Contact us Contact us
A black keypad is mounted on a white wall as an outstretched hand presents a white access card credential to it

How can I distribute CDVI products?

CDVI France sells its products exclusively through distributors. These distributors are active in various market segments such as security, electrical, hardware and automation. If you would like to be put in touch with the most appropriate distributor, please contact our sales team.

A team of architects gathered around some building plans with floorplans, zoomed in on their hands holding pens

You're not in France?

If you wish to buy from another country, you may need to contact one of our other sales offices. Visit the CDVI Group website to find your nearest CDVI representative.

You can also contact our export team by e-mail: advexport@cdvi.com

Man using a laptop zoomed in on his hands on the keyboard

May I speak to a representative?

If you'd like to talk to or meet one of our experienced sales representatives, please contact our inside sales team to make an appointment.