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SEL2641MXPL Backup memory for XPL Series receivers

Ref: F0204000043

The SEL2641MXPL by CDVI provides additional memory space for the XPL series of receivers.

The SEL2641MXPL provides additional memory space for the XPL series of receivers. The receivers come with a basic capacity for 100 transmitters or 85 push buttons. With the MEM-XPL included, the memory capacity is increased to 500 additional users.

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SEL2641MXPL : Why choosing that product?

  • Additional memory key for the XPL series of receivers
  • Compatible with any XPL receiver
  • Increases memory capacity with 500 additional users

SEL2641MXPL : Features

  • Technical specifications

    • User Limit
      500 additional users for the XPL receiver series